2025/1/12 entry
back home
this trip was THE shit
it was sooooo much fun we visited so many awesome places and we did a ton of silly stuff with my friends and even teachers
i also ended up meeting my online friend and that was fucking cool as well
i'm eternally grateful for getting the chance to go on this trip i think i'm a different person now for the better
in all honesty i feel like between the long bus rides and barely eating and sleeping 3 hours every night on average this trip shaved 2 years off my life but it was worth it we ball
i'm still tired as hell and my dumb bitchass motherfucker geometry teacher wants us to write an exam on friday on stuff we were barely taught especially us who were abroad while he was teaching fuck his idiot deteriorating male pattern baldness ass
oh well who cares i won't even remember this in a few years meanwhile the memories from the trip will stay forever he can eat shit
man i'm so sad i'm home i wish i could stay abroad
current mood: accomplished and dreading going back to school so fast
current music: Koionna no Yuutsu by ZARD
2025/1/3 entry
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEARi've been a terrible webmaster
i started on a proper index page a month back and then i completely forgot about it eto bleh :P
i'll finish my site eventually tho i'm just slightly busy rn
first of all i'm going on a 5 day trip with my school to 5 different countries and i'm sooooo excited one of my best online friends lives in one of them and we're gonna meet up

i'm also in the middle of 2 drawings one of which i'm trying to get done asap to gift to my friend overseas
anyway i don't remember if i've mentioned it on this site but for almost a year now i've been frantically looking for a clip of MAX on hippare where they sing a TMR song and today i FINALLY FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally at 9 in the morning on my phone in bed i decided to randomly look up "max hippare" to see if anyone had uploaded it and a bunch of results from dailymotion i'd never seen before came up
i clicked on the uploader's profile and
IT WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!! I'D FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND WILD RUSH HIPPARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T NEED TO ASK AROUND IN MIDDLE AGED JAPANESE PEOPLE'S COMMENT SECTIONS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCHES LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ran to my laptop to watch it and download it and this is where it gets interesting
i've actually never seen a video glitch out like this before
if you watch it on dailymotion it gets stuck on a still frame for half the video and the sequence of the clips is really wrong
from one point onward it refuses to continue playing the video and tells you to reload
that didn't deter me too much tho i still went to download it
i had to go through 4 downloaders tho because they all interpreted the video differently
- first downloader: order of clips is right but there are a LOT of skips
- second downloader: no skips but order of clips is FUCKED and some even play twice
- third downloader: completely normal but it takes the video data straight from dailymotion's servers rather than downloading it locally, thus if the video were to be taken down the file would become completely unplayable, unideal for archiving
- fourth downloader: video plays completely fine, quality migjt've gotten SLIGHTLY cooked but it was cooked from the start idc
i linked the video above if anybody is curious about this cursed ass video because i sure as hell am why is this happening
my theory is that it has to do with the format of the video
idk how dailymotion handles different file formats but i have a suspicion that this video is in .rm format
a few months back i found a dead link on a dead 90s fansite to this exact video in .rm format and the intro and quality of the video strongly suggest that it was downloaded from that dead link way back then
the .rm file format is an antiquated video format that was widely used in old fansites in the 90s-2000s because of its small size
i'm extremely unfamiliar with the inner workings of this file format and how it could interact with dailymotion in this way but it was really old and outdated even for the time that the video was uploaded, so maybe it caused issues
i also found it interesting that the clips don't split randomly at all but rather split right before different parts of the song
this could also be a sign of the file format of the video being weird and basically being a bunch of clips stitched together and dailymotion may be having trouble processing it
this is really interesting to me idk why does it do that have you ever seen a video glitch out like that
current mood: computer scientist
current music: none
2024/12/9 entry
i'm doing online lessons again today because they're doing cement work at my school or something and they dion't want us there
right now i'm in computers class and the teacher is talking about html so i thought i should update this site
well she's TRYING to talk about it but my classmates are talking over her saying the randomest shit it's so funny
i don't even think she can hear them honestly she's not reacting to any of the unhinged shit they're saying
i really really really wanna update this site rn actually besides this diary page but i don't exactly know what to do that isn't related to finding information and i'm way too bored to do that
maybe i should make a new page on this website
but what do i even add on it
i don't know man i got all this energy and nowhere to put it
WAIT I GOT IT i'm gonna finally replace that under construction page with something
i'm gonna go make it on a notepad first brb
current mood: pwker;lmbckjsvkehmc,cd,;,..
current music: none
2024/12/2 entry
it's been so many weeks since i last updated
i HATE that i'm not updating this site because i missed coding but at the same time i don't have the energy to do ANYTHING
i haven't even drawn in a month and i've just been sleeping most days away
i hate the fact that i'm not doing anything remarkable so so so much fuck my hawk tuah life
in other news we had TERRIBLE weather yesterday it flooded streets and knocked over trees and vehicles
and so we had online lessons today
except the webex links they sent us returned a webpage not found error so no school at all after all!!!!!!!!!
i played roblox with my friend and had some mild beef with a kid on sno day
what a fun day
maybe i'll update this site later but i forgot where i even left off what do i update guys
current mood: yay!!!
current music: Konna ni soba ni iru no ni by ZARD
2024/11/16 entry
oh no!
ok so i was talking about updating this site soon but then i got hit by a 40c fever
actually one of the worst experiences of my life imagine being constantly cold and shivering and in pain and unable to move and you can't even sleep the pain away
fever has dropped but i'm still sick i'm not updating again until i'm fine sorry guys
current mood: not thriving
current music: Christmas ga Ippai by Shizuka Kudo
2024/11/13 entry
NEW MAX SINGLE DROPPEDhaven't updated in a WHILE because i just haven't found the inspiration but i can feel it coming back in real time as i type
i've been doing pretty well aside from my dumb bitch brother constantly complaining and yelling about problems he created on his own
i could go on a whole rant about it but fuck it all man i don't care MAX RELEASED THEIR NEW SINGLE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all the songs are a straight 10 dare i say 11

not only that but they also announced their 30th anniversary concert in may
no details yet but i am really hoping they get aki back on stage for this
maybe even go a little further this time and get hisako and anna from the super monkeys to perform????
40th anniversary concert they get namie amuro on stage for the first time in 20 years
i'm so sad that i can't actually go to japan to watch them live but it's ok i swear i'll be there for their 40th anniversary
anyway i'll update MAX's updates and discography page soon
current music: none
2024/10/10 entry
they hacked the fucking web archive
the web archive is my LIFELINE if all its data it's gone i'm actually going to kill myself
current mood: not peak
current music: Yume no Shizuku by T.M.Revolution
2024/10/7 entry
i won
went to animecon both days and it was so cool
there were so many cool cosplayers and i took pictures with the cuntiest dio and diavolo cosplayers
other ones i won't easily forget were a matching jolyne and anasui, a johnny in high heels and a funny valentine carrying around a big pride flag
also a very well put together death the kid cosplay they were the only soul eater cosplayer there kinda wanted to ask for a picture but i was too shy 💔
there were a lot more genshin cosplayers than i was expecting and a lot less mikus than i was expecting
also a dipper and mabel that kissed and my friend looked at them flabbergasted ðŸ˜
anyway i bought a whole bunch of stuff including 2 VOLUMES OF JOJO i was NOT expecting to find jojo there because last year they only sold local manga
on the first day there was also a band that played rock covers of anime songs and that went hard it counts as my first concert
it was so much fun
only regret i have is not being able to play taiko, they had it set up on a monitor with drums and everything i've always wanted to play taiko with drums but they cost like 70 bucks that's insane!!!!!
next time maybe i'll go in cosplay
current mood: peak
current music: Yume no Shizuku by T.M.Revolution
2024/10/5 entry
actual game changer
so for drawing i've always used krita and it's a pretty good program right
well yesterday i got curious and i decided to try clip studio paint
HOLY SHIT it's SOOOO GOOD my desire to draw has increased i've already drawn 2 things in under 24 hours
for me that's a pretty big achievement because i haven't drawn that fast like ever
krita has a problem where it slows your strokes down if you make them too fast but csp doesn't and that's a way more crucial pro to csp than you may think
i also love the csp brushes chalk and pencil brush my beloveds
another thing that may be making me like csp more is that it doesn't carry the weight of being the program i used back when i had terrible burnout/art block where i basically forced myself to draw, it's like i'm starting fresh
i kinda miss some of my krita brushes tho i wanna find a way to import them
current mood: HELL YEAH
current music: Like a Thunder by Max Coveri
2024/10/4 entry
plotting and scheming
so with the animecon tomorrow i've been thinking about doing a cosplay of either tmr or max
not necessarily for the animecon tomorrow but for the one in may
max is easily the simpler option of the 2 because their signature look is their really cool suits from the 90s which i can just buy
the difficult part is actually finding said suits at a reasonable price + my size i'm built like a 13 year old actually there are 13 year olds TALLER THAN ME i'm tiny i'm barely 150 cm 💔
and i'm pretty sure those kinds of stores aren't used to selling to 12 year old lookin people
if i can fulfill AT LEAST the second requirement i'm good
now for tmr i was thinking hot limit because it's one of the most recognizable options and it really pops even if you have no idea who tmr is
plus it doesn't seem very hard to make, my plan was to either buy some black gauze looking thing or elastic fabric to cut into wide strips, put around my body and then sew together at the right places and buy black shorts as well as a black top if needed
i have it pretty figured out in my head i just gotta learn how to sew properly and put in the work for this one
there's an official hot limit suit being sold i know but i can't order things online on my own yet and do you know how many slurs i'd hear if i showed a family member the hot limit suit
i'm gonna start looking for places to buy suits and elastic fabric because lowkey i wanna have both costumes i love them
current mood: yeah
current music: none
2024/10/3 entry
happy new month
the lack of updates isn't due to me being busy or whatever i just feel a bit unmotivated but don't worry i'll bounce back i always bounce back
uhh uhhhh i made a new drawing and i'm currently working on another one
both are from reference and not very stylized
i'll upload them soon
but anyway
my foot is terribly itchy to the point where i itch it until skin peels off and it turns red and even then it remains itchy i don't know what's up with that
my plan is to take a card from every stand i see and then i'll put them all in big sleeves and i'll have an artist card collection
i was thinking about going in cosplay because i have a jotaro hat but i don't have the right clothes and i'm really REALLY short it'll be embarrassing
also there'd be a chacne of people asking me for pictures i'd pass out
anyway i hope i can find some cool shit to buy i feel like i didn't buy enough last year!!!!
current mood: pretty cool
current music: Love is Dreaming by MAX
2024/9/27 entry
already been a week
sorry for no updates i've been preparing some stuff in notepad files instead of on here for some reason
but holy shit i REALLY get why people say go outside and touch grass now
today was sports day in my school and we had the option to walk to a forest/mountain 45 minutes away with a few teachers instead of do any sports and that's what me and my friends did
once we arrived they let us do whatever and go wherever and i don't think we sat down once during the 2 hours we were there
we were walking and sometimes running up and down paths, we went to the highest point of the forest and got a view of the whole city, we went to a really low point and saw wooden bridges that looked like they'd break if you jumped on them and a turtle
it was soooo fun
it's a big forest too so most of the time nobody was around us and we could do anything without feeling watched
the worst part was the sun and how full of uphills the road to the forest was although that just made the road back really fun
also hated how i sweated like a motherfucker my hair strands are stuck together and were dripping like a water faucet i'm showering as soon as i get the chance
should also eat and drink something because all the liquids and energy in my body are gone gone
10/10 experience you should go run around in a forest too
current mood: gracing the skies and feeling the clouds with my angel wings composed of silk and fairy dust
current music: none
2024/9/18 entry 2
what a bomb ass day actually
max announced a new single it's tmr's birthday (in japan's timezone anyway) and i compensated for waking up at fuckass hours in pain by taking the best nap of all time usually i wake up from naps feeling tired and sweaty but right now i feel like i could start an empire or something maybe it's because of my new iron supplements
i also have no homework for tomorrow because the few exercises i had i did yesterday 🔥
current mood: good very good
current music: LET ME BE YOUR BABY by Mari Nagata
2024/9/18 entry
is this just what'sgonna be happening now
woke up at 5:30 my stomach and chest burnt so bad i couldn't get back to sleep very cool
should i go to a doctor
i need to go to a doctor to get some kind of paper for school anyway might as well kill 2 birds with one stone
current mood: bad very bad
current music: none
2024/9/17 entry
born to die world is a fuck
currently 7 am i feel terrible i woke up at 3 am and i wasn't able to sleep for 2 hours after that and my stomach also has a very acidic pain probably because i've been forgetting to eat well lately
hell it kinda hurts when i eat now
i gotta be in school in an hour too i hope i feel less shit by then
fuck my stupid baka life
current mood:
current music: STRANGER IN THE NIGHT by MAX
2024/9/15 entry
trying to add an art page
this is scary i don't even show my friends my art i haven't posted art anywhere in 5 years
i wanna put it somewhere other than in my diary entries however so i'll just do it no balls
current mood: ok
current music: DOWN TO YOU by abingdon boys school
2024/9/14 entry 2
another onethe other drawing i was talking about that i finished 4 days ago is also of reina so i think i'll put it here as well

this one is more in my style with thick lineart and bright colors than the others
i LOVE vibrant colors and i wanna get better at using them
current mood: still extremely accomplished
current music: Kageri by T.M.Revolution
2024/9/14 entry
love herfinished my reina drawing

left is reference right is drawing
i have a special relationship with the chalk tool
usually i spend hours on sketching and thick lineart but i just went straight into the coloring with this one i eyeballed the silhouette with black and built up from there
i finished another drawing 4 days before this one and i'm super proud of myself i haven't finished 2 drawings this fast in like 4 years i'm finally getting over my art burnout
current mood: extremely accomplished
current music: Watashi wa Kaze by Tak Matsumoto and Yuri Nakamura
2024/9/13 entry 2
happy friday the 13th guys i'm getting work done on this site yippee
hopefully i can be happy enough with the progress to remove the under constrcution page soon
as if it does anything i have the site profile feature on everyone can see what i'm doing
supersecretindex ain't too secret at all
current mood: accomplished
current music: Dokusai -monopolize- by T.M.Revolution
2024/9/13 entry
first days of school going well
got spat on by some older kid on the above floor the fuck was that about
current mood: death threats
current music: none
2024/9/10 entry
what the fuck
kinda creeped out rn someone was just yelling my name from outside?????
i assume it's an old classmate but i don't recognize his voice
i'd have to be followed home for anyone to know my address too
current mood: man
current music: none
2024/9/8 entry
back on the puter all false positives baby
malwarebytes thought its government anti piracy propaganda could stop me but i am invincible bitch
current mood: hell yeah
current music: Svensk Super Kung Fu by Reizoko CJ
2024/9/8 entry
desperate situation
im typing this from my phone because i disconnected my laptop from the internet and am currently running a virus scan and this thing has picked up 10 viruses bro
i totally jinxed it with my previous entry dude "wow i feel so good life is so awesome" shut up shut the FUCK up
virus scan actually finished while writing this and most of these viruses come from emulators and pirated stuff so they might be false positives i gotta connect to the internet and check with virustotal wish me luck
current mood: im gonna hit the second tower
current music: POWDER SHADOW by MAX
2024/9/8 entry
i feel great rn
a lot of big and small good things have happened to me in the past few days and for the first time since i started running this site i don't have the slightest feeling of wanting to end it all in me i'm actually kind of amazed
anyway as for this site i found an old site in my bookmarks with a TON of MAX information and i saved all the pages to my ssd
i'm gonna try fitting all of the information i found on this site eventually
but right now i want to focus more on tm revolution's part of the website because i've neglected him for realz 💔
i found a page with comprehensive information of whatever he was doing up to 2009 or so it's kinda amazing how much stuff it has in it it's 5 entire pages
the creator didn't play about him
speaking of tm revolution i recently finished the soul eater anime after having stopped watching it for 2 months for no reason
my face when strength by abingdon boys school started playing as the ending bro i got JUMPSCARED i didn't know he sung another song for soul eater
they say ignorance itself is bliss but sometimes ignorance may later result in bliss that's what happened to me
i'm working on another drawing of MAX this time it's just reina i'll put it here when it's done
oh i just remembered that i did a drawing of lina a year ago in the ginga no chikai pv and then sent it to her on instagram and she never saw it :(
i don't blame her at all tho i bet her instagram dms are full of men telling her she's hot
current mood: :)
current music: Love is Dreaming by MAX
2024/8/31 entry
it's so oversummer ends tomorrow i'm so not ready for this i start school in a week it was nice knowing you all
yea no i'll try to keep up this pace of updating and not devote my entire existence to school otherwise i won't find happiness
generally my goal this year is to loosen up
i've always been so shy and quiet that it's held me back even though my teachers love it
it's not necessarily because i wanna be quiet it's out of fear and i've always hated how i'm like this
this stuff is for talking about in therapy but my therapist relocated to a place with very difficult parking and now i can't go as often god knows when the next time i see her will be
depressing stuff aside a few days ago i decided to redraw a scene from the give me a shake pv

left is my reference
fun fact the girls are all done in one layer i'm pretty happy with how i drew them (although lina needed more work)
the background is tempting me to change it but last time i was unhappy with something in a finished drawing and decided to go back and fix it i ended up making 20 updated versions over the course of the next 3 weeks i'm NOT doing that again
i already have 3 other versions of it with different filters i don't need any more
ok i think i'm gonna go make some lemonade and drink it in my balcony now bye bye
current mood: intense existential dread
current music: Lonely Night by Aki
2024/8/26 entry
made a bunch of updates to the site thes epast couple of days again
also thinking of joining some webrings atfer i get this site fully online
current mood: i'm gonna starve to death i'm gonna die i haven't eaten anything above 200 calories in 30 hours
current music: TSUKI TO TAIYOU by Taiyou to Ciscomoon
2024/8/24 entry
we're so back
i've been getting work done on the site yesterday and today and FINALLY!!!!! THE TMR ICONS ARE THERE!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now to actually start adding some basic info about him and then i'll see what i'll do about my index page
i don't know if i wanna have a "click here to enter" page or just the index straight up i'll see what i'll do
i feel great now tho doing fun things is fun
current mood: yayyyyy :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdmi
current music: Nazo by Miho Komatsu
2024/8/22 entry
sorry for being gone againkinda lost motivation to work on this site but i promise i'll keep updating even if it isn't often
i went on surprise vacation (i wasn't told anything until it was time to leave) for a few days so i wasn't able to update the site
i'm also working on a drawing of MAX that i'm almost done with so that's kept me busy as well
the past couple of days i've been burning dvds
yeah i know who uses fuckin dvds in 2024 but it's actually kinda fun
i've been burning videos of MAX and parapara routines
i actually just got done watching MAX's final summer dream stage 1999 performance

i designed the menu in the first picture can you tell (yes)
that's one of the fun parts of burning dvds you get to design menus for them
i also have some dvd label stickers and a dvd label designer program so i also get to design labels for them and stick them on :D
there's something so summery about sitting on the floor with your mini fan at full speed and watching a dvd on your tv on low volume because your brother in the next room is keeping his door open due to the heat and you don't want him to hear while you watch the last bit of sunlight evaporate into the horizon at 8:30pm
current mood: chillin
current music: none
2024/8/10 entry 2
my dad took pity on me and got me a new one
i'm surprised honestly i didn't think he would do this thanks for this one dad
the other fan has warranty AND i still have the receipt so if i can get it repaired i can have TWO FANS!!!!!!!
although this new one is a bit stronger and bigger than the old fan i don't think i need another one now but who cares 2 is better than 1
august 10 is my second birthday i fucking love fans god bless
it's way too hot out to not have a strange attachment to fans
current mood: BALLLIN
current music: none
2024/8/10 entry
i'm gonna kms
my fan broke don't hmu
current mood: fuck
current music: linkin park and evanescnece
2024/8/9 entry
made some progress on the site today
i'll try to get those graphics done tomorrow and i also want to add a sort of synopsis at the start of MAX's history page because it's gonna be long ain't nobody reading allat
but right now i'm thirsty as shit and my lips are dry and crusty
i bought a fan for 3 bucks a few days ago because it's really really hot and god DAMN is it doing its job
it's rechargeable with 3 speed settings and i constantly have it on it's carrying me through august heat so hard
the only downside is since it's constantly pointed at me it makes my lips dry and crusty like it's winter so i gotta apply lip balm every few hours to keep them normal and it works yeah but the lip balm is kinda dry as well and my lips feel dehydrated as hell
fans are a great investment please do consider buying one and you too shall find your oasis in this infernous purgatory of a season
gonna go drink that water now cya
ps i'll probably post that drawing i was talking about in my next diary entry i was gonna do it now but i just found a fault that i couldn't be bothered to fix right now so i'll do that tomorrow as well
current mood: happy i got work done on the site i missed coding so much
current music: BPM by TWO-MIX
2024/8/3 entry
happy late new monthi finished that drawing like 2 weeks ago i just couldn't be bothered to update this site for some reason
i walked 11 km with my friends 2 days ago and my legs are in pain :(
anyway i'm gonna make a list of what i still need to edit before i finally feel ready to put this site up
- a few graphics
- gallery pages
- need to finish MAX's history page
- need to make the pages for tmr
- updates log
yeah that's about it
i got a long way to go
current mood: impending doom
current music: Hold Angel by YOU
2024/7/18 entry
haven't really been updating lately
sorry about that i've been working on a drawing when i finish it i'll come back to this site
maybe i'll attach it somewhere on this site too
current mood: none at all
current music: LOVE SCREW by MAX
2024/7/15 entry
haven't slept in 21 hours
and not really planning on sleeping until tonight
my stomach was in BIG pain like gastric induced period cramps
i tried to ignore it for hours until 3 am when i wanted to sleep but it hurt too bad to let me sleep
by the time i had figured out it was some acid problem and i needed to eat tomatoes to make it go away it was 4 am and i HATE waking up late when i'm on break so i decided to just not sleep
my stomach still hurts just less i don't know what its problem is
it's 7 am i'm typing really slowly and quietly so i don't wake up anyone
current mood: otherworldly i have opened my third eye
current music: none
2024/7/6 entry
hippare archiveafter i wrote that last entry i decided to spend an hour compiling and renaming all my hippare clips
after that i uploaded them on the internet archive!!!
here is the linki'm not done uploading stuff yet because it's a very MAX-centric archive so far and I don't wanna leave other artists out so i'll probably spend tomorrow finding as many hippare clips as i can for the archive
these phase in and out of existence too much to be kept in oe place alone
current mood: was sleepy until i started listening to this song
current music: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume by KOHANA
2024/7/6 entry
i don't think i've ever brought this up but for 4 months now i've been looking for a very specific clip from the yoru mo hippare show from the 90s where MAX covers a TMR song and all i've found so far are 2 dead links
it makes me mad when i see such poorly preserved things because that's how lost media happens so i'm thinking of making an archive somehow of all the yoru mo hippare videos i have access to
this is a very niche show only a select group of people care about but archiving is important you know?
no idea where to put my archive because sites like youtube or tiktok might take my videos down
i'll see if i can put them on something like the internet archive or soulseek
current mood: neutral
current music: progress by hitomi (covered by MAX in hippare)
2024/7/4 entry
creativity yaythese past few days i've
- actually started and finished a drawing within the same day and a traditional one at that (NOT CLICKBAIT) (EXTREMELY RARE)
- repainted a small cheap figure i had to look like lina from the no boundly tour it lowkey looks like dogshit because the top and the bottom reds are ever so slightly different in hue and my hands shake a LOT so it looks really flimsy
- made some mini sculptures with some playdohs that were sitting in my drawer for idek how long
- logged into my sudomemo account and posted for the first time in over a year
- done some coding on a website i made with a friend (it looks like mossy asshole i'm not linking it)
- probably more things that i can't remember because my memory sucks
i also set up a last fm account and i've been importing all my past spotify history day by day and for some reason i can't find the share button for my recent tracks to embed them into this website's about me even though i've seen others do it? maybe it's a pro feature, if i can't figure it out i'll just embed my top tracks or something
sidenote i haven't even finished importing all my tracks yet but it's so funny how my most listened song is love impact melodic remix at 1k+ scrobbles and my next most listened to song has 135
current mood: slightly hyper
current music: Love impact - MELODIC REMIX by MAX
2024/6/29 entry
don't know what to title this
good news
i fixed the MAX site by removing the font LOL i literally can't use the previous font now or the website displays incorrectly for a ton of people
anyway i just spent like 2-3 hours making a MAX winamp skin for no reason (i bet no one reading this still uses winamp (not even i do i just got curious and downloaded it)) only for it not to work out because the older versions don't support png images and a ton of stuff became opaque and covered up the members' faces :(
if you can still use winamp's old layout in recent versions i'll retry it because i think they support pngs
if not then i'll just try again some other time because i hate that there's no MAX skins in winamp skin museum
actually that's the whole reason i started making that skin out of spite for the lack of MAX skins
spite is generally a big motivator for me it's the whole reason this website exists too LOL
current mood: kinda disappointed
current music: Flower Forever by DJ Sharpnel
2024/6/28 entry
website is pretty polished aside from the MAX fansite looking like shit on firefox and the tmr menu buttons missing i'm too bored to go make those buttons bro :(((
i'm thinking of just putting the site online as it is right now because it's finished enough i just gotta find a guestbook
actually no firefox MAX fansite is too embarrassing we're waiting until i fix it
i'll probably have to rewrite its entire code fml
current mood: eepy
current music: Samsa by Teniwoha
2024/6/23 entry
i don't care about the font anymore i just noticed that the max fansite looks all fucked up on firefox and i can't figure out why
does it register margin-tops differently>? or is it because it was the first page i coded and the placement of the 4 pentagon icons is REALLY scuffed
you know it's probably that but i don't wanna accept because then i'll have to move them around and ain't nobody got the time for that (i say as i am literally on summer break)
current mood: big mad
current music: Solitary Dolls by Aki
2024/6/22 entry 3
do i keep the font i'm already using for index or use default font???? they both have their strong and weak points i just cna't decide fuck
current mood: still suffering (save me my miku and kagamine handfan)
current music: my graduation (Eurobeat mix) by SPEED and FantasticNize
2024/6/22 entry 2
new font
default font looks SO ASS in index page so it's gonna be everywhere except index yay
current mood: suffering (climate change has never been realer)
current music: Give me a shake by MAX
2024/6/22 entry
testing something
starting to dislike this current font a bit and i kinda like the look of the default font i think it's times new roman? so i'm testing how it looks in my about me page and i actually really fw it i think i'm gonna change the whole site to that font
current mood: none
current music: my graduation (Eurobeat mix) by SPEED and FantasticNize
2024/6/18 entry
played project diva
i'm actually so ass i kept failing everything on normal mode
also had to deal with my brother walking in because i was in the living room and saying project diva is the peak of degeneracy because it has girls dancing in the backgruond yeah no hop off my goat miku i'm not taking shit from a tucker carlson fan
anyway i forgot what even needs updating on this site man
current mood: lying on my bed typing on my laptop kicking my feet. feelin jolly
current music: Tacata by MAX
2024/6/17 entry
EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!hell yeah

now i'm on summer break for the next 3 months and i'll finally polish this site enough to remove the under construction index page :)
in other news i revived a really old dvd player and got it working on an old tv and it's glorious the quality sucks SO bad but i'm gonna start watching old dvds and cds and rating them over the summer as a pastime so i don't just sleep through my whole break
my brother also bought a ps3 and jailbroke it and i got project diva haven't played it yet but i will tomorrow
i also wanna get all star battle but my brother will see it and bully me or some shit
current mood: cruisin'
current music: Koori no ue ni tatsu you ni by Miho Komatsu
2024/6/8 entry
it's my last week of exams and the schedule actually sucks we write math and history TOGETHER immediately after biology!!!!!! and before that it's english and physics together i don't care about english but i'm ass at physics :((((((
also i just reread yesterday's entry and i lowkey cookeddamn
current mood: not thriving
current music: none
2024/6/7 entry
the downfall of personal websites/html from the perspective of someone who wasn't even on the internet 10 years ago
welcome new followers thanks so much for following me ♡
anyway yeah i kinda wanna write about the downfall of html today because idk i got the idea from a vision
alright so in the beginning of the internet in the 90s there were 2 types of social medias: chatboxes/bbs and personal websites.
so basically the concept of settingup a profile in like 5 minutes and then posting stuff that gets spread around through an algorithm didn't really exist
you either went on a bbs or other chatting app/website and participated in conversations, or you made your own website, with your own code and content.
back then that was as close as you could get to social media as we know it; you had to code your "profile" from scratch
then instead of an algorithm spreading your website around (although personal websites were probably discoverable on google), you had to promote it yourself
most websites back then had guestbooks (a lot still do!) as well as their own bbs, and on these guestbooks and bbs, you could type your website url alongside your name and message, leading more users to it.
you could also join webrings and stuff.
OH and let's not forget the links page EVERY website had, that was also a pretty prominent way for websites to boost each other!
to access this world of websites though, you had to know how to use html of course. there wasn't any fancy stuff like wix that "built websites easily" you had to get to work.
and i guess after a few years people thought it was too much of a hassle, so when stuff like myspace and livejournal came and didn't require you to build something up from scratch to exist on the internet, people slowly started using those more.
those 2 websites still offered the option to use css to personalize your profile and livejournal even encouraged its embedment into personal websites, but it can't be denied that this was the start of the end for personal websites on the internet.
due to those kinda websites getting popular, during the mid to late 2000s a lot of free website hosting sites began shutting down or stopped offering free services, not only killing a TON of websites but also making space for this new wave of social media to dominate the internet further.
regardless, personal websites were still a thing on the internet in the late 2000s, albeit a smaller part of it.
then, when geocities, perhaps the biggest free website host, shut down in 2009, a LOT of personal websites, be they older or newer, disappeared from the internet, and alongside them disappeared one of the few free website hosts that still existed at the time. this shutdown is commonly thought to mark the end of the personal website era.
another thing that definitely contributed to this downfall is social media like facebook and twitter becoming popular without options for customization of your profile with css or anything like that, making such skills obsolete and discouraging newer internet users from learning them (but shoutout to tumblr for still supporting css and html).
and just like that, with few to no options for hosting a website for free, no incentive for anyone to learn css or html anywhere at all, and many more popular and simpler-to-use options to leave a digital footprint on, personal websites became few and far between in the mid 2010s, most websites on the internet were now operated by big corporations and the internet began to change form to what we're most familiar with today. although there are projects like neocities that work to make personal websites mainstream again, it can't be denied that they still have a long way to go to match the users that social media have.
but who knows? with recent advancements in technology like AI and shitty changes happening to social media, perhaps users will grow nostalgic of the older, simpler days and they'll want to return to the days of gaudy html websites, and the cycle will have finished its first round.
ps is it just me or have neocities's servers been acting up these past few days? i feel like i'm going crazy every other website loads fine for me except for neocities, but neocities status says everything's fine and no one else is complaining about it what the fuck is going on
current mood: sad because i don't have an ac in my room
current music: Waitin' for Heaven by Aya & Chika from D&D
2024/6/4 entry
another entry yippee
first exams went decently well actually
no one gives a shit about exams tho so anyway i kinda wanna get rid of the noise in the background of all the non-fansite pages apart from index because idk it feels kinda 2020 charli d'amelio fanpage pfp
but at the same time i'm really lazy :')
i'm also trying to decide if i should do sharp or rounded borders in index but i'm inching towards sharp
ANYWAY any osu players here i managed to play it on my tv by connecting a wii remote and a dolphinbar it's so much fun opening up osu-web and playing agony over and over
damn now i wanna play osu
current mood: chill but annoyed at how hot it is it's not even officially summer yet god
current music: Barairo no Hibi by MAX
2024/6/2 entry
happy june + pride month guys i kinda got bored of updating this site but we're so back now
i'm just kidding we aren't for another 2 weeks because i have end of year exams :(
they start tomorrow i'm so ready yeah i'm gonna KILL this exam it's gonna be horrible there's gonna be blood everywhere oh god hyphen what did you do you maimed it you monster
also after a TON of trial and error i finally fixed my index page the color theory didn't work before but it works now yay!!!!!! i don't have to gaslight myself anymore!!!!!!
i have nothing else to say i'll just go take a bath and study bye youtube
current mood: decent with a side of exams stress
current music: Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokoro tsuyosa to by Ryoko Shinohara
2024/5/1 entry
happy may guys(no one (this site isn't public yet))
i'm still working on things i'm currently trying to decide if the index page is shit or not i'm gonna cope to the end that it's ok because i couldn't be bothered to change it
OH YEAH i translated barairo no hibi by max even though i'm ass at japanese
i find translations really fun tbh although they take me 30 minutes to an hour usually
anyway man i slept at 1 am and woke up at 8 today for no reason why am i self sabotaging
i'm gonna hop on uno online now cya guys
you know how people do those "current mood" and "current song" things i'm gonna do those too in this entry
current mood: neutral and my head kinda hurts
current music: MAGIC by MAX
2024/4/28 entry
nobody is seeing this except for maybe angelzmindz hello angelzmindz but first entryyay
i'm a mega procrastinator i wanted to get this site online over a month ago but i still have to make graphics for tmr fansite, fix the scuffed ass code of max fansite (it was the first page i coded :') ), expand the fansites and do a whole other bunch of dumb nerd shit
at least i have free time in the following week so i can get things done
hyphen out bye bye